Written in 2003 . My 1st year of Engg in Bhubaneswar, Orissa .
Today I laugh , enjoy ,sing a song , not of harmony and rhythm but to a tune where my hearts trumpet blows , the chords of my sensational guitars are plucked and my body well adjusts itself to the drumming voice of my hands clap and I rejoice , puddling all my emotions to the one corner of brightness and joy .
The world may be bright enough today but for what surety of seeing the other day's dawn which though might seem to be a matter of a night but may take the world to its stride .
The sun might never rise again , the birds would no more chirp, no ray beaming in any instant radiance, no brilliance of the world's beauty any more .
Only the dark ,black,evil veil of darkness covering the world.
Why should then my chords of music beat in rhythms,
Why should I laugh and rejoice to my hearts full content ? WHY ?
In sorrow of the day not to come again or for the happiness for the night to stay all throughout to keep the dirts of sin still behind veils of holiness and righteousness.
Today I laugh , enjoy ,sing a song , not of harmony and rhythm but to a tune where my hearts trumpet blows , the chords of my sensational guitars are plucked and my body well adjusts itself to the drumming voice of my hands clap and I rejoice , puddling all my emotions to the one corner of brightness and joy .
The world may be bright enough today but for what surety of seeing the other day's dawn which though might seem to be a matter of a night but may take the world to its stride .
The sun might never rise again , the birds would no more chirp, no ray beaming in any instant radiance, no brilliance of the world's beauty any more .
Only the dark ,black,evil veil of darkness covering the world.
Why should then my chords of music beat in rhythms,
Why should I laugh and rejoice to my hearts full content ? WHY ?
In sorrow of the day not to come again or for the happiness for the night to stay all throughout to keep the dirts of sin still behind veils of holiness and righteousness.